HACC Foundation logo

The HACC Foundation is now accepting donations using the CashApp. Please visit Methods to Give for more information.

Adopt-A-Program Sponsorship Levels

Benefits Levels
Opportunity to have company-supplied content* distributed to graduating students of the program in an email.

*The content would be edited by HACC and would include the company logo.
Opportunity to have company-supplied content* distributed to alumni of the program in an email.

*The content would be edited by HACC and would include the company logo.
Opportunity to receive recognition in HACC publications, social media sites and website.    
Opportunity to select an event and staff an information table prior to and following the event.      
Opportunity to speak* during one class that is offered as part of the program.

*This is a one-time speaking engagement which would last for no more than five minutes.