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PNC Foundation Grant FAQs

Note: This content was revised on May 23, 2023.

Number Question Answer
1. What is the amount of the grant from the PNC Foundation to the HACC Foundation? The PNC Foundation has awarded a $112,500 grant to the HACC Foundation.
2. What is the purpose of the PNC Foundation grant?

The PNC Foundation grant was originally designated to support diversity, inclusion and belonging in HACC’s Municipal Police Academy and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Program

In spring 2023, the grant was expanded to support diversity, inclusion and belonging in these additional HACC programs:

The grant will focus this three-year project on recruitment and training of 36 low- to moderate-income Black students.

3. How will Black students benefit from this grant? Through this program, the HACC Foundation will award full-ride scholarships to qualifying Black students to cover all the tuition and educational costs associated with these programs.
4. How will Black students be chosen to receive full-ride scholarships funded by the grant? Consulting with HACC’s Office of Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging, the HACC Foundation and HACC’s Office of Workforce Development and Continuing Education will create an inclusive process to recruit and encourage applications from eligible individuals in the greater Harrisburg area and elsewhere in the region.
5. How will the PNC grant funds be administered? The funds will be administered by the HACC Foundation.
6. In addition to the PNC Foundation, what other community organizations have contributed to HACC’s mission to attract, enroll and retain Black students?

Many donors have contributed to the HACC Foundation in support of inclusion, diversity, equity and belonging. Please see the resources below for more information:



7. Since the initiative is recruiting 36 students, is it limited to 12 full-ride scholarships per year? The HACC Foundation will award 12 full-ride scholarships in 2022, 2023 and 2024 for a total of 36 full-ride scholarships.
8. Typically, how long does it take to complete the programs?
  • The Advanced EMT Program is 220 hours of instruction. The program is structured as a combination of self-paced, online modules with interactive assignments and discussions.
  • The criminal justice associate degree is a 61-credit program that can be completed in two years if students attend full time.
  • The EMT Program is a total of 220 hours of instruction (ranging from six weeks to six months). Students have the option of participating in the program on a full-time or part-time basis. With this program, HACC offers a variety of instruction delivery options.
  • The paralegal studies certificate is a 30-credit program that can be completed in one year if students attend full time.
  • The Paramedic Program is offered in daytime or evening. Classes consist of in-person, online work and clinical rotations and includes:
    • 100 emergency department clinical hours
    • 250 emergency medical services (EMS) field internship hours
    • 32 specialty clinical hours
  • The Municipal Police Academy is approximately 970 hours of instruction, which is accomplished in approximately six months in the full-time format or one year in the part-time program.